Every plant flourishes best when cultivated according to its individual design. Some tender flowers cannot sustain life in the hot sunshine. Others will not fully develop in the shade. Even others need the constant care of a gardener; while some stubbornly refuse the attention and grow as they desire.
Several years ago, my sister and I spent many long days planning out and designing our vegetable garden. We wanted it to be both aesthetic and prolific. Many hours were spent planting, tending, weeding, watering, raking and fending off the numerous bunnies and insects that enjoyed munching on our herbs and vegetables. Strategically placed flowers and rocks made our garden more charming. In order to infuse beauty, we were purposeful with our choosings. Indeed, the final result was lovely and plentious.
Early spring and summer always remind me of this garden with my sister. Lately, I read several chapters from
Mission of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson. I contemplated the idea of our lives having a design, and how we, as women, are designed in a particular way. God designed us to compliment our husbands. He specifically made women to nurture children. As a wife, mother, and friend, I desire to live my life with focus. I want my life to show the design of my Maker. I thrive best when I intentionally focus on the perfect design for me.
We produce the most lasting fruit when we allow ourselves to be cultivated by our Gardener according to His design.
This post blessed me! Thank you, Dana