Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Hidden Gardens

In the last couple months, I have seen some of my favorite women ~ my dearest friends and precious family. (I missed seeing a couple of you ~ I love you, Dears.) Anyway, two particular instances come to mind, mostly because of their contrasts.

Imaculately dressed and groomed, she told me of all her most recent shopping excursions and the upcoming sales galore. She told of the promotion and sizable Christmas bonus for her contributions to the company at which her position is senior management. A talented businesswoman. Extremely successful. Respected at church. Cherished by her husband and children. Giving and hospitable. By all appearances, she's a Proverbs 31 woman!

Graying hair reveals her age. Her joyful laugh brightens up the room. Her whole life has been dedicated to everybody else but herself. She is the first to jump up and serve others. It is said of her and her husband, "the most kind and caring people." Her eyes light up as he enters the room. The love in their eyes reveal a fire that burns strong and true. Her children have grown up, married and have families of their own. Her listening ear and thoughtful advice bring understanding to every situation. Her morning routine isn't complete without her coffee at the table with her Bible spread out before her. Her humility draws you like a magnet. I am mesmerized by her bouquets of simple wisdom and kindness.

As women, we are encouraged to be beautiful. To let our beauty shine. And we should. We should take care of ourselves and be lovely for our husbands. We must also be careful to not let our adornment be merely outward - but rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God.

Those words always kinda catch me... gentle and quiet...

The hidden gardens of the heart give the most glorious bouquets.

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