Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Choosing to Plant Good Seeds

Seeds produce plants that will in turn produce the same kind of fruit. Not news worthy, I know, but certainly worth another reminder. What we planted in our vegetable garden, will bring forth fruit in the summer. We chose to plant peas, beans, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, herbs, and squashes. If I expect to get anything other than these plants, I am crazy.

Yesterday morning as I read my devotional, I thought again of the importance of reaping and sowing. The character traits that we choose to instill in our lives, are going to be evident. If I choose to focus on being merciful with others, then when the time to give mercy comes along, I will choose to be merciful. Self-control is not easy, but controlling my own selfishness is possible. It is a choice. Loving others who aren't lovely is simply a matter of choosing to show love.

Being gentle in my words and actions can happen even in a time of hostility and confusion. Honesty and truthfulness are purposeful traits. Perseverence and determination come because in a moment of weakness, we must choose to stay strong and push through life's difficulties. Choosing humility over pride isn't ever an easy choice, but an essential one to true contentment.

Contrary to popular belief, it isn't a matter of praying for character qualities, it is a matter of purposefully choosing them. Every day, opportunities will always reveal themselves to evidence the fruit of what we have planted.

I ask myself today, "What Godly character qualities am I choosing to evidence in my life?"

1 comment:

  1. True! We don't need to pray for character because the Bible tells us that as believers we have been given the FRUIT of the Spirit...ALL OF THEM. Is is Definately a CHOICE :) Thanks for sharing
