Sunday, February 13, 2011

Another Pile of Stuff Revealed

This weekend as I was cleaning up the kitchen floor, I realized that there was some junk under the refridgerator. Everybody else was outside at the time, so I proceeded to move it out by myself. To my dismay, I found 6 Cheerios, a light blue pencil, 3 missing shopping lists, a magnet, a bazillion airsoft pellets and an AWFUL LOT of dirt. Yikes! How long had it been since I had cleaned under that thing?!!

Since I usually do most of my thinking when I am doing mundane chores and since I was alone in the kitchen at the time, I began to think of how easy it is to let things get stuffed away in secret places ~ places we clean all the time. I sweep and clean all around the kitchen daily. Dishes get washed. Countertops disinfected. Trash removed. And don't inspect the inside of my refridgerator right now, but even THAT gets cleaned often. When did the magnet holding the elusive grocery list slip off and fall? How long had that pencil kept company with those 6 Cheerios? Where else have I missed cleaning? Why had I allowed so much stuff to pile up in such a tiny space? I have no idea, but these questions made me think even deeper.

What other areas of my life have I become lazy? Where is other stuff stacking up without my knowledge? I know I don't dust the furniture as often as I should. And I know that several years ago, I couldn't sleep with dirty dishes in the sink. I know that laundry around here piles up really quickly and that bathrooms don't clean themselves. What I really am getting at is...

I don't want to allow undealt-with issues in my heart to pile up. The Lord is always merciful to reveal these things to me little by little. Probably because He knows I'd have a heart attack if He gave it all to me at once. He is faithful through the years to draw me closer and closer to Him by helping me see the little things that have kept me that much farther away. He has such a graceful way of helping me clean out the piles of stuff that separate me from Him. In the hidden parts of my heart, He will make me to know wisdom. Once again, I cry out the words of David, "Create in me a clean heart, Oh God."

1 comment:

  1. I love that as we draw closer to the Light...he gently reveals the dark, dirty places and HELPS me remove the cobwebs! What a great God we serve!
