Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Pulling Weeds

We talk as we walk, the Master Gardener and I. I am especially excited to show Him my outer gardens. Confident that my well manicured lawn and meticulously maintained fountains are presentable, I lead Him through the rows of columns and flower beds. I have taken care to prune the roses and fertilize the shrubs. As He has instructed, I have done. I am proud to show Him the bouquets freshly picked from the choicest of plants. We stroll over the well-worn paths and quietly enjoy each other's presence. Sweet fragances fill the air making our visit lighthearted and enjoyable. I so love His presence.

"These areas I have tended well," I sweep my hand to gesture this vestibule spot. I pluck a few choice blooms for Him to examine. He nods and smiles approval. I am confident in this outer garden ~ the one that I regularly visit and tend.

His eyes light on a small gate almost hidden from view by the clinging vines. "Let's go in there," He suggests.

Taken aback by His desire to leave this place of tidiness, I hestitantly respond, "Uh,... okay,... we can go in there."

We push back the undergrowth and go inside. I realize immediately that I haven't tended this part of my garden in some time and the lack of maintenance shows. I feel embarrassed at my neglect. He doesn't say a word, just rolls up His sleeves and plunges His hands into my weeds. I join in quickly. Before long, we've gotten it back under control.

How comforting to know that I don't have to do all the work alone. His loving kindness overlooks my faults. His grace allows my mistakes to be corrected. My garden doesn't have overgrown corners anymore.


  1. Great Post! I love that our Lord is a "hands-on" God! WITH Him, all things are possible.

  2. That's good! Reminds me to grade papers ...among other things. ;)

  3. Have you ever heard the song weeds in my roses?! Its too funny you should download it!!
